Yes Jesus Loves Me

Soul Healing-The Middle

To be honest, I didn’t even know that my soul needed healing.  I didn’t even realize just how damaged it was.  God knew, though, and He was pushing me straight into this much needed time of soul healing.  About this time He brought a book into my life, “How’s Your Soul” by Judah Smith.  As I started reading the book I wasn’t thinking too much of it.  A lot of it was stuff I already knew said in a different way.  As I kept reading it kept sinking deeper and deeper within me.  It was like God was very slowly taking off blinders that were on my soul.  Well, at least at first I though it was blinders but what it actually was were bandaids and gauze and medical tape and all the stuff I had been slapping on my aching soul without even realizing it.  As the bandages were coming off the real pain started settling in.  The realization that I had neglected my soul for awhile now and it was a mess had hit me smack dab in the center of my face.  This was good though because admitting you have a problem is the first step, right?  Right. I had a problem.  My soul was in dire need of rest and healing.  

The next few months of my 18 month healing process brought about forgiveness.  There were people I had let down and people that I had hurt and I had to confess and repent to them and ask for forgiveness.  Some were close friends, some were people I had worked with and some were merely acquaintances and some were family members like my husband and children who I had neglected.  Asking for forgiveness is a very humbling experience, but an experience that draws you to closer to God and into deeper relationships with the people you ask to forgive you.  In our family you aren’t aloud to just say “sorry”.  You have to specifically name what you are asking for forgiveness for.  Confession is specific.  It’s so much easier to just “I’m sorry” and run off (I have a 7 year old and he loves to do it this way).  It takes God working in you and your heart to be specific about the sin that you have committed against another person.  

There were also people that had hurt me that may never ask for forgiveness but I had to forgive them anyways so I that could move forward in my healing.  Did you know that you don’t have to wait for someone to ask for forgiveness before you give it?  Sometimes, a lot of times, people don’t even realize that they have offended you so how are they even supposed to know that they need to ask for forgiveness?  If you sit there, though, and just brood over the fact that this person has sinned against you and think that you will just sit around and wait for them to ask for forgiveness, all the while you are becoming more and more bitter towards them, then all you are really doing is just ending up in sin yourself.  That’s not healthy at all.  We need to forgive those that have sinned against us just as Jesus did.  He didn’t wait for every person on the earth to come and ask for forgiveness before He died on the cross.  He forgave our sins while we were still sinning!  Romans 5:8,”But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Once I was able to give and receive the forgiveness that needed to happen  I felt this immense  weight lifted off of my shoulders.  Unforgiveness can really do a number on you.  It leads to bitterness if you hold on to it to long and that bitterness becomes an amazing stronghold for satan.  He loves to come in there and turn your thoughts upside down so that you end up just thinking hateful, angry things. Which is the exact opposite of what forgiveness is.  Asking for forgiveness cleaned my side of the street and got me right with God.  It brings us to a place of humility before God and the person we have sinned against.  Giving forgiveness to people doesn’t mean we are excusing what they did it means we are choosing to move forward in healing the hurt that was done to us.  It sheds the bitterness from our hearts and frees us from Satan’s stronghold.  

     After I walked through this time of forgiveness, the only thing that I had left to do was sit with Jesus and heal.   This was so very hard for me.  I wanted to get back out there and get back into ministry work.   I wanted to reach out to other’s and see how I could help them.  But God kept telling me “no”.  My prayers became focused on asking God what He wanted me to do next.  What opportunity did He have waiting for me just around the corner.  How did He want me to get ready for it.  His answers always focused on telling me, once again, that all He wanted from me right now was to sit quietly with Him and rest and heal my soul.  Just be still.   Well, obviously I’m not very good at doing that so this was a hard lesson for me.  

     Journal entry from 6 months into the healing process: “Not sure what I need to write about today.  I miss teaching people about the gospel.  I love spending time in God’s Word learning and researching and writing notes that God then turns into a lesson to teach myself and others. I love the feeling of the Holy Spirit working in me and through me as I speak His words. I can’t help but wonder when I’ll get to do it again. I won’t say “IF” because I can’t imagine God giving me the gift of teaching and then not using it. 
    In my studies lately I have learned so much about how wrongly I handled things in the past.  At times I start to beat myself down again with thinking “I wish I would have done that differently.”  But again, I need to remember Christ’s words of “Forgetting what is behind me and moving forward to what lies ahead of me.” (Philippians 3:13). How will I become a better leader moving forward? How will I not allow my self-loathing to affect me moving forward?  How will I handle people pulling me down moving forward?  How will I stand up for myself moving forward?  I cannot change the past. No amount of dwelling on it or replaying the events differently in my head will change it. I can, however, learn from it and take what I learn and move forward with it. This is what I choose to do.”

    I finally gave in and stopped trying to push my will on God and accepted His will of sitting in silence with Him and focused on healing.   This time of healing involved digging deeper into my soul and really understanding why the past hurts and self doubt got to me so much.  It involved growing up a little, maturing.  It was a time for me to focus on me, something I was horrible at doing but something that I so desperately needed to figure out how to do.   I had to learn to become okay with going into my room and shutting everyone and everything else out so I could rest in the Word, or literally rest while watching Netflix, or going and getting my nails done without feeling guilty about doing something for myself.   I know it sounds silly, but it was hard for me to be self-focused like that.   Over the months I have seen and felt the positive impact that comes from me taking the time to be “selfish”.  It makes me less grumpy, less tired.  It makes my heart happier when I do serve others because I have taken the time to refill myself.  Before I was working off of fumes.  I was constantly pouring out of my soul but not taking the time to refill my soul.   Have you ever been driving when you ran out of gas?  The car starts to make puttering sounds as it slowly creeps to a dead stop.  You just pray that it makes it to the gas station before it completely stops, otherwise you’ll have to get out and push it.   That was me.  I was starting to putter, but I didn’t even realize it.  God, in all His infinite wisdom and His amazing grace pushed me over to the gas tank (Himself) and began to fill me back up.  At first it felt like it was taking forever for the gas to pump.  You know how it is when you get that pump that you swear it’s just dripping gas into your tank one little drop at a time and you watch the numbers turn ever so slowly and think that you’ll be there pumping gas for the rest of your life?  Ya, that’s how I was feeling.  But the longer I stood there, still, getting filled by Jesus the more comfortable I got there and the more I enjoyed it.  I fell in love with the time of sitting at His feet and being with Him and being in the quiet....

Soul Healing-The Beginning

      I recently went though an 18 month period that was filled with so much pain and healing and growing.  It was a hard time to go through but a much needed time for my soul. During this 18 month period I shed many tears (surprise surprise), yelled at God a lot, talked through my own failures with Howie, asked for forgiveness from those I had hurt, forgave those who had hurt me, had a gazillion conversations with a few close friends about areas that I needed to grow in, spent a lot of quiet time alone with just me and God, rested physically and spiritually and matured a lot.  It was quite a fulfilling 18 months.   What started this 18 month journey was stepping down from a ministry leadership position and stepping back from counseling others.  I did this because I felt that God told me I needed a season of rest and to learn to focus on Him first and then my family.   It was such a hard decision for me to make as my heart’s desires is to minister to others through counseling, teaching and leading, but I was at a place in my life where I had no peace and felt like I was a chicken with my head cut off running into walls most days.   My family was suffering because I was so focused on other things, albeit they were good things but they were taking up more time then God wanted them to.  

     The first few months of “healing” (that’s what we shall call this 18 month span of life) I was angry.  Angry at myself mostly because I felt like I had failed people and I had failed at my jobs of being a leader, a counselor, a mom and a wife.   I felt like I had let so many people down.  It crushed me. I was angry at people who had said hurtful things to me or who I felt had just walked away during my time of need.  Angry at God for taking away my heart’s desire of helping people.   It was a tough few months.   I had to learn to take my angry thoughts captive all over again and lay them at the feet of Christ.  I had to think on whatsoever things are true, right, noble and just.  I had to get the enemy out of my head so I could hear what God was trying to tell me.  I had to get self doubt out of my head so I could remember who I was in Christ and that that was all that mattered.   It took me some time to believe the truths that God and others were telling me; “God only wanted me in that position for a season and that season had ended.’  “Lives were touched during my time in ministry.  God had used me in so many ways to reach His people.” “People were not out to intentionally hurt me.”  It was a huge battle in my mind that I had to fight daily.  I would work through the checklist of all the ways I had failed and all the ways I had let people down.  I allowed myself to beat my own self up.  Fortunately I have a God who is so much bigger than me and He began to build me up.  

     My journal entry from one of the days during the first three months of healing-  “So much runs through my mind on a daily basis.  It feels like this constant battle with my thoughts.  I can’t seem to grasp at the truths in these thoughts and feelings that I’m having and it’s so frustrating.   A friend thinks that I’m hiding and avoiding friendships and yet it has been so the opposite of that lately and I feel like I have been honest and open in telling her that.  I feel that people think that since I’m not in a ministry ministering to people right now that that’s not okay.  Yet I am still doing ministry stuff, it’s just not out there for everyone to see like it was before and I am not up on a stage talking about it right now.  I help in the children’s ministry, I‘m on the worship team, I’m mentoring/counseling 4 different women, I’m ministering to my kids and my husband.  Someone recently told me that my story needs to keep getting shared.  Ya, I agree and it does ALL THE TIME.  I don’t have to stand on a stage or lead a group to tell my story.

    Wait, wow, what?!  That’s exactly what I needed to tell myself.  I DON’T HAVE TO STAND ON A STAGE OR LEAD A GROUP OR AN ENTIRE MINISTRY TO SHARE MY STORY!  And I don’t have to share every great encounter I have with people or in my quiet time with God with people for it to mean something.  

    This is a personal time for me, this season of my life.  It’s a time for me to reflect privately with God.  A time for me to share my story in private with others.  It’s not a season for shouting from the mountaintops.  It’s a season of sitting beside the quiet creek and hearing a still small voice whisper in my ear.

    No need to stir up any pots or emotions right now, Caroline.  No you just sit here and quietly be with Me for as long as it takes.  Just be still, My child.  Let Me calm the chaos in your head.  Let Me pull back the waters that are flooding your heart.  Let Me bring rest to your sweet, weary soul.  Me... Me.  Can you hear Me, daughter?

Can you let it just be Me?

Can you let My voice drown out the rest?

Can you let My Words cover and push out all the lies?

Just be with Me?

Just Me.


   You have nothing that you need to solve.  I’ve got it.  You have nothing that you need to do.  I’ve got it.  You have no battles that you have to go fight.  I’ve got it.  You have no one but Me you have to answer to. 

   Be with Me.  Let Me fill you till you overflow.  Let Me love you how you need to be loved.  Let Me.  I’ve got this.  Lean on Me.  Let Me be in control.  Let Me do the worrying.  Let Me carry all your burdens.  I’ve got this.  Can you just give it all to me?  Can I be your everything?  It’s what I so long to be.”

     That day was a breaking point for me.  A day when God pierced so deeply into my soul and showed me how much healing I really did need to do and that I needed to do it His way and not mine.  There was no magic formula or time frame for me to get through this season God had brought me to.  I needed to just be still, be patient and be with God and God alone.  I needed to share my deepest, darkest hurts and thoughts with Him, not with my friends.  I needed to cry on His shoulder,  not my husband’s.  I needed to sit alone with Him, not in a crowded coffee shop with strangers.  This was not a time for me to  be in community with people, it was a time for me to be in community with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  I could finally stop fighting the lies in my head and start believing the truths in my heart.   This was the beginning of my soul healing...............

How Great Thou Art

~Oh Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder consider all the worlds Thy hands have made.  I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder. Thy power throughout the universe displayed.  Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee, How great Thou art, how great Thou art.  
And when I think of God, His Son not sparing sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in.  That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing He bled and died to take away my sin.  Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee, How great Thou art, how great Thou art.
When Christ shall come with shouts of acclamation and lead me home, what joy shall fill my heart.  Then I shall bow with humble acclamation and there proclaim, My God how great Thou art!  (How Great Thou Art by Carl Boberg 1885)~
I have realized lately that I have been failing to take the time to just look around at this world that God created and be in awe of it.  There really is so much to look at, even right here outside my window in my front yard.  A beautiful tree with long flowing willow like branches and leaves that are blowing back and forth like they are dancing.  The base of the tree has big, thick roots sticking up and intertwining one another like they are in a group hug.  There’s a yellow rope hanging from the tree that the kids like to swing on when the weather is nice.  On one side of the tree there are three small boards that were nailed up there by our neighbor 4 years ago so that Emma and his granddaughter could climb up into the tree and sit on the ginormous branches and read books or talk about life.  They have both since outgrown this adventure but the boards are still there as a memory of times gone past.  A beautiful tree that has been a part of so many memories and still has so many more memories to make.  God made that tree.  Each intricate part He thoughtfully crafted.  He knows just how many leaves are on that tree right now.  He knows how many rings are on the inner trunk telling us how old it is.  He knows each branch and how much weight it can hold.  And I am pretty sure that if one branch gets too much pressure on it He knows just what to do to bear some of the weight so the branch doesn’t snap.  Of course, throughout the 5 and half years that I have watched this tree in my front year, there have been times when a branch has snapped and fallen to the ground.  A couple of times we (by we, I mean Howie not me.  Well I was there for moral support.) have had to cut branches off because they were dying and weighing the tree down.  It is a beautiful tree.  How great Thou art, Lord, for making something so amazing.  

My favorite place to be in the entire world is San Francisco.  Ever since I was a little girl I have loved The City.  I recently got to drive over there (It’s about a 2 hour drive from where we live) to visit a friend who was in the hospital at UCSF.  As I pulled up to the tolls at the Bay Bridge something wonderful happened.  It happens every time I pull up to those tolls.  My soul is immediately at rest.  It’s hard to explain this feeling that I feel.  It’s like I exhale and my soul is calmed and over the moon happy.  As I pull up to the toll booth I am perfectly happy to hand the worker my $4.  That $4 buys me a trip to my happiest place on earth.  Heck, that’s a lot cheaper then that other place that claims is the “Happiest Place on Earth”.  I start the drive over the beautiful bay bridge.  A ginormous smile automatically appears across my face.  I look to the left and to the right and see the beautiful bay filled with barges and sail boats and ships.  It’s breathtaking to me.  I have to take a moment and there proclaim, “My God how great Thou art!”.  I drive through the tunnel and get to the second half of the bridge and there it is in front me in plain view, the gorgeous City skyline!  All the tall buildings.  I immediately look to the Transamerica Building, it has always been my favorite with it’s triangular shape.  My heart is literally leaping with joy that we are just about in The City, My City!  I look over to the right and there’s AT&T Park, home of the SF Giants, my baseball team.  Chills run down my arms.  My heart, my soul feel at home, they feel at peace.  It doesn’t ever matter where my final destination is in The City because I am just as happy with the drive through.  Yes, there is traffic, but I use that time to look around and take in all that there is to see.  Big, beautiful, tall buildings, the Golden Gate Bridge, an eclectic mix of people all created in God’s image and living their lives just like I am, tall hills to drive up and down, a million different types of restaurants to eat at, Mr. Holme Bakehouse (my favorite bakery), and so much more.  Every time I come to My City I see something new, I explore a new nook that I have never been to before.  It amazes me how much they have packed into the roughly 47 square miles of this City.  Each time after my visit as I drive away I look back to take in the skyline one last time and as that smile beams across my face from ear to ear I thank God for giving me this amazing place that soothes my soul and fills my heart and I think, “How Great Thou Art”!

What in your life makes you stop and proclaim how great God is?  Where is that magical place that God has made for you that soothes your soul and fills your heart?  When was the last time you just sat and looked around at all that God has created?  Can I encourage you to take just five minutes today and enjoy God’s workmanship in and around your life.  Take five minutes to proclaim how great He is!  

Anger Management

     I have anger issues.  I’m sure I’ve had them all my life but the first time I remember anger actually talking over me was when I was 18 years old.  I was angry and I picked up an empty box and chucked it across the room as I was running out of the room.  It felt good at the time.  Later I regretted it as I heard someone say, “I knew she had an anger problem”.  This person was looking for every bit of negative in me at the time and I just gave them more fuel for their fire against me.   It sucked.  Throughout my adult life I would continue to have anger issues which usually ended with me breaking something.    In our first year of marriage I put a hole in the wall.  Howie’s awesome response to that was, “you’d better call your dad to help you fix that because I’m not doing it.”   Talk about embarrassing....”ummm....hi dad.  I just put a hole in the wall because I was mad.  Could you come help me fix it please?”.   Fortunately my dad was a very kind, understanding man with very similar anger issues (ya, it runs in the family) and came over and patched up the hole.   

     I didn’t start working on my anger issues until I was in my thirties.  It had really come to a head in the years that we were going through the worst times of our marriage.  I broke quite a few things, vases, pictures, cups, plates.   It always gave me this release when I would just break one thing, but every single time afterwards I would regret it.  While working through my anger in my early thirties I focused just on the anger and how I responded in that anger.  The Bible specifically says in Ephesians 4:26, “Be angry, and do not sin.” That was my focus, to not let my anger turn to sin.  To calm myself down before I started yelling and threw something.  I found verses that I could recite when I started feeling my blood boil:

-Proverbs, 19:11, “The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, and his glory is to overlook a transgression.”  

-Psalms 37:8, “Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; do not fret- it only causes harm.”

-Proverbs 14:29, “He who is slow to wrath has great understanding, but he who is impulsive exalts folly.”

-Ecclesiastes 7:9, “Do not hasten in your spirit to be angry, for anger rests in the bosom of fools.”

-Psalms 103:8, “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in mercy.”

-James 1:19, “So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath.”

-James 1:20, “For the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.”

     I wrote these verse on note cards and had them everywhere to remind me and to help me get control of my anger.  When I would feel the anger start to surface I would pray and ask God to settle my spirit down and then I would go over the above verses until I felt myself calm down.  It took a lot of work to get into this routine and get my anger managed, but God was faithful through it all and got me through it.  It’s been a long time since I’ve broken anything. Well, actually about a year ago I threw a glass and broke it all over the floor of our bedroom.  My rage had come out of nowhere and took me completely off guard.  I immediately texted three of my closets friends to have them pray for me because I was still feeling full of rage and anger and I was so confused about where it was coming from.  Turns out I was actually having a reaction to barium.  I had had a procedure the previous day and they had used barium and some of the side effects are irritation, anxiety and confusion. It was crazy and barium is now listed on my heath record as a drug I am allergic to.  Needless to say, I don’t count that broken glass as part of my anger issues.  I do still occasionally have moments when I feel the anger rising and I really want to break something but they are few and far between now and I always remember to go and pray and meditate on my anger verses and that always brings be back down to reality. 

     Now I am forty and God has recently revealed a new side of my anger issues to me.  A couple of weeks ago the hubs and I had a bad week over a tough issue that brought up a lot of past triggers for me.  We spent the better part of the week going back and forth on the issue and I was angry the whole time.  I thought I was angry because he wasn’t hearing my side of the issues.  He wasn’t getting what I was saying nor was he understanding my feelings and this was making me mad. I said a lot of mean things and yelled in this time of anger.  It all came to a head one morning as we were talking and right in the middle of the conversation, right after he had said something that was new information to me, he abruptly had to go because he had a meeting to get to.  I hung up the phone and the flood gates opened (does it seem like every one of my stories involves me crying?  Geesh. I am an emotional gal.).  The tears flowed and pain came pouring out of my heart.  I was hurting because of this situation we were in.  All the triggers were bringing up past hurts and I just ached.  I immediately wanted to close the flood gates, shove the hurt back down, grab my phone and play a game to distract myself.  As I reached for the phone I heard God say, “nope”.  Ugh.  Really, God?  Now?  Do I have to?  Of course I do.  I not only had to I needed to.  I sat in the pain and cried it all out right onto God’s shoulder. And do you know what happened as I allowed the pain come to the surface?  The anger went away!  I realized that day, right there in the parking lot of the gym that my anger was masking my pain.  I was allowing my anger to push down the real feelings I was having.   It was easier for me, at least I thought it was,  to just be angry  then to feel the real feels.  But oh my goodness, I was a whole new person once I  let the pain out and the anger just rolled right off my shoulders.  

     This past week I found myself angry again over a situation.  I allowed anger to consume for a couple of days before I realized that I needed to dig deeper and figure out what the anger was hiding.  It didn’t take long to figure it out.  I pinpointed the real feeling (It was abandonment this time) dug deeper into the feeling and all of its triggers and once again the anger just rolled away and I felt like a new person again.  

     People, can I just tell you how freeing and how healing this new realization is for me?!  I wish I could go back to my twenties with this knowledge and re-do all the broken things I threw.  Take back all the angry things that I yelled that I never meant and find the real feelings that needed to come out.  But, alas, that was not God’s plan.  He chose to wait until I was forty to give me this illumination and I trust, I know, that His timing is so much better than my own.  So I take my new found information and I press on with excitement at conquering a whole new level of my anger.

     What is your angry hiding?  How are you using anger in your life to fight against feeling the real feels and dealing with the deeper issues? In your anger are you sinning?  Yelling at your kids or spouse, breaking things?  Is it out of control?   Do you need to write the above verses down on notecards to help remind you to calm down and turn to Christ?  It might be. A lot of hard work for you to get your anger under control but let me tell you, IT IS SO WORTH IT!  

Jesus Wept

        This morning was a rough one with Gillian.  The entire last week has been been a swinging pendulum on the rough not rough scale.  Today it swung towards rough. The morning started out well.  Gillian was in a great mood and excited about the eye doctor appointment we have this afternoon.  She loves going to the doctor’s, thank goodness since she’s had to go to so many in her lifetime.  We got ready for school without any drama until it was time to actually get in to the car to go.  I basically had to drag her to the car.  Fun times.  When we got in the car she asked for some nuts.  ( I always keep bags of nuts in my car for when I get the munchies.  Keeps me from driving through somewhere and eating crap.) and so I gave her one of my bags.  That kid started shoveling them into her mouth as fast as she could.  The whole way to school was filled with shoveling nuts into her mouth followed by spitting.  

       We pulled up to school and I asked for the bag of nuts back.  Well she was not having that at all.  She jumps out of the car and goes full on tantrum (you know, stomping, spitting and screaming at me).  I grab her by the hand and start dragging her towards the drop off area where all the teachers and paras wait for the kids.  She still has the bag of nuts in her hand.  I ask for them again and she tells me no.  I try to grab them from her (one of the paras is quietly waiting for me to hand her off to her) and get them but then she goes running out into the street where the buses are pulling in and out stomping and screaming.  At this point two other paras (one who is the nicest man but will use his brawn if need be and it need be) come running out to get her out of the way of the busses and into the safety of the waiting area.  Now she has three paras all around her trying to calm her down and one looks at me and tells me its okay for me to go, they got it.

      I start walking away and my emotions just washed over me like a giant tidal wave.  “Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry”. I kept walking back to the car where Emma and Nolan were waiting for me to take them to school.  As I opened the car door I could feel the first tear start to fall.  “Keep it together.  Don’t cry.”  I get in the car and Nolan says, “I’m sorry you had to do that mommy.”  Oh how the floodgates did open.  Emma leaned over and hugged me and I just sobbed.  She just kept saying, “I’m so sorry you have to deal with this mom.” Once I finally got myself calmed down I told them both that I wasn’t crying for me.  I was crying for her.  My poor, sweet Gillian who is trapped inside this body of emotions that she doesn’t know how to handle.  She doesn’t know how to cope and deal with the everyday pressures of life.  She doesn’t know how to communicate with us how she is feeling, or what she is thinking or how we can help her.  I weep because I my hurt for and with her.  Those tears were cleansing tears.  I do not apologize for the tears I cry (Okay, sometimes I do, but I am quickly reminded that there is no need for apologies), they are tears of compassion, tears of pain and always tears of healing. 

     Jesus wept.  These two words give you and me permission to weep, too.  We are free to let the tears fall.  There is no reason to hold them in.  There is no reason to apologize for them when they do start to fall.  God will weep with us when we weep, whether they be tears of compassion or tears of pain He weeps with us.  Weeping is powerful.  Weeping brings healing.  God gives us so many promises when it comes to our tears-

 Psalm 30:5b, “weeping may stay for the night, but joy comes in the morning.”  

Revelation 21:4, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain.  All these things are gone forever.”

John 11:35, “Jesus Wept”. It’s the shortest verse in the Bible and for me, at times, has been  one of the most powerful. Why was Jesus weeping?  He had just spoken with the sisters of his friend who had died.  They were mourning.  Jesus is full of compassion and felt their suffering.  I could go into so much more detail here of why Jesus wept but for now I want to stick with the compassion component.  (If you’d like to read a great article on this short, powerful verse go here

      Jesus hurts when we hurt.  He weeps when we weep and yet why is it that when we cry we automatically apologize for crying?  Jesus wept without apologizing, so why can’t we?

     After I cried those tears in the car this morning I was able to laugh. I got the hurt out and was able to move forward to the joy.  Emma, Nolan and I were all able to take a deep breathe and move forward making each other laugh all the way to school.  And I know that on this side of Heaven I will shed many more tears and that’s okay, but on the day that God brings me home to be with Him there will be no more tears for eternity.  So for now, I thank God for giving me the permission to weep as Jesus wept and I do so unapologetically just like Jesus did.  

The Aftermath

    This past week with Gillian without her “stuff” has been mostly great. We’ve had a few breakdowns and tantrums over “stuff” but she has recovered quickly.   She actually seems happier and less stressed now that she doesn’t have a bunch of junk to worry about.  Before this whole ordeal of taking everything away, she wasn’t that great. She hadn’t been eating that well, her anxiety levels were through the roof and our home felt like we had no peace in it. We were all at the end of our ropes and barely hanging on.  Since Monday she has been eating like a normal person should eat.  Which I think helps with being happy. Her anxiety levels are slowly diminishing and we are all feeling a sense of peace in our home. On Friday Gillian sat in the kitchen with me while I was food prepping for the week and we listened to music, had a dance party and laughed.  I haven’t enjoyed being around this child in so long.  My heart was so very happy.  On Friday nights we always go out for family dinner just the five of us and lately Gillian either didn’t want to go or she’d go and have a meltdown and we’d all be miserable. This past Friday night she was excited to go with us, ate all her dinner and was a joy to be around. It was a perfect family dinner out. Can’t remember the last time we had one of those. 
   Bottom line here is is that the “stuff” was weighing her down. The “stuff” had her so occupied that she couldn’t think about anything other than her “stuff”. Not even eating. She couldn’t enjoy life because all that “stuff” kept getting in the way.  Now that the “stuff” is gone she is free to enjoy her life and food and her family! Without her “stuff” she can now experience peace. 
   Can we just take a moment here and replace all the above “stuff” words and replace it with “sin”?  
-  Bottom line here is is that our “sin” is weighing us down. Our “sin” has us so occupied that we can’t think about anything other than our “sin”. Not even eating. We can’t enjoy life because all our “sin” keeps getting in the way.  Once our “sin” is gone we are free to enjoy our lives and food and our families. Without our “sin “ we can experience peace.-
   That “sin” space can be filled with a number of different things- An addiction (food, drugs, shopping, porn, gaming, sex, Netflix binging, etc...), laziness, gossiping, sinful anger (there is righteous anger but that’s now what I’m talking about here), judgment, and more. The bottom line is that sin keeps us from God and from enjoying Him.  Just like Gillian’s “stuff” kept her from enjoying her life. We become so preoccupied with our sin, whether it’s doing the sinful act or trying to hide the sin so others don’t know about it. It keeps us focused on it rather then being focused on Christ, the One who already paid the horrific debt for that sin. The One who’s waiting for you to let the sin go so you can enjoy the freedom he ransomed Himself for!  
   So let me ask you this, what can you put in that “stuff” blank?  What sin is weighing you down and keeping you from enjoying life?  What sin has you so preoccupied that you can’t see anything past it?  
Matthew 11:28-30 says “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
    Lay down your “stuff” at the cross and take up the yoke of Christ.  He wants to give you rest from the burdens of the sin you’ve been carrying around. 